Sunday, January 18, 2009

Way to go Cards

I just wanted to take the time to congratulate the Arizona Cardinals on a fantastic season. They have obviously exceeded all expectations. I doubt you can find a single person, outside of Arizona, that picked them to go to the Super Bowl this season. Kurt Warner has cemented his place in the Hall of Fame with this season. They certainly would not have gotten there with Matt Leinart leading the way. It takes a true leader like Kurt Warner to get a team over the top.

Having said that, the Cardinals had better win this Super Bowl. I think this will be Kurt Warner's last chance to win a Super Bowl. This will probably be the Cardnials' last chance to win a Super Bowl in quite some time too. They need to look at the '06 Saints to understand this.

The Saints had never sniffed the Super Bowl before that NFC Championship game. My dad, a Saints fan from the beginning, was extremely excited about that game. Heck, I was excited about it too. The Saints were running the ball very well and grinding teams out. But Sean Peyton had to try and get fancy to beat the Bears. He threw the ball way too much and did not run it enough. They lost the game and any hope of ever reaching the Super Bowl.

The Cardinals must capitalize on this opportunity. This is their big chance. Go out there and shock the (football) world!

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